Saturday, April 28, 2012

John 3: We Must Be Born Again

After reading John 3:1-8 and reading the question on the difference between “seeing” and “entering” the kingdom of God I came up with these thoughts.  When a person is of contrite spirit, willing to obey the Lord, this type of person see’s the kingdom of God through blessings and miracles in life.  People with a contrite spirit are susceptible to the promptings of the Holy Ghost and are able to “see” what the kingdom of God has.  Now, being able to “enter” the kingdom of God requires one step besides being of poor spirit.  That is to be born again through baptism.  There are two things that must be done to “see” and “enter” the kingdom of God: repentance and baptism.  A truly repented soul is of contrite spirit and after that baptism follows. 

Christ taught Nicudemus that a man has to be born of water and of the spirit to be enter the kingdom of God.  To be “born of water” means to be cleansed from our sins.  This is a necessary step to become spiritually clean again; it is so essential that the Lord Jesus Christ set the example for us when he was baptized.  Baptism is a symbolism of rebirth.  There are parts in the process of baptism that shows this.  When we come out of the water after our whole body is submerged, we are being born again.  When our whole body was submerged in the water, this represented death because when we die we are usually laid in a casket and are buried.  The process of being baptized shows this as our bodies are covered by water and we lay there.
There is repentance, baptism, and after that, the gift of the Holy Ghost.  To “be born of the spirit” means that we are spiritually ready for the companionship of the Holy Ghost because we are humble enough to be able to hear and feel him.  This will be the companion that will guide us, console us, confirm truths, and many other things.  The Lord compares the Holy Ghost to the element of wind.  This is a great comparison because the Holy Ghost is something we can feel, but we cannot see.  The wind is the same way; we can feel it, but we can’t see it.  Since we feel it, we know is there.

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