Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mathew 8-9, Mark 2: Miracles Are Evidence of Faith and God’s Power

I was asked to fill this table to show the types of miracles Jesus performed and who demonstrated faith during the miracle.

Miracle of the Work
Who demonstrated Faith
Mathew 8:1-4
Cleansed a leper
The leper demonstrated faith by letting Jesus know that if it was his will, the Lord could make him clean.
Mathew 8:5-13
Healed a palsy
The master demonstrated faith by telling Jesus that he didn’t even have to go there, that his word would be enough to cure his servant.  Jesus did as the master said because his faith was great. 
Mathew 8:14-15
Healed Peter’s mother in law from a fever
She performed faith by believing that he had the power to heal her (even though is not mentioned there)
Mathew 8:16
Cast out devils and healed the sick
I am assuming that the sick showed faith by asking to be healed and by knowing Jesus had the power to heal them. 
Mathew 8:23-27
Calming the storm
They didn’t demonstrate faith, they asked to be saved out of being scared to die.  Instead of asking for him to make the storm stop. 
Mathew 8:28-34
Casting demons out
Mathew 9:20-22
Mark 5:25-34
Healing of the bleeding woman
The woman demonstrated faith by knowing she could be healed by just touching Jesus’ garment.
Mathew 9:27-31
Healing of two blind men
The blind men performed faith by knowing Jesus could heal their sight.
Mark 2:1-12
Healing of the man with palsy
The man with palsy

Knowing that the Lord has the power to heal the sick, make a storm calm, and cast out demons shows that he has the proper authority to perform all of those miracles.  Even though I was not there to witness any of those miracles, those assure me that he did perform those miracles and that he still lives.  His miracles are evidence of what faith is and how I can show faith during difficult times.  Faith is not believing in something, is knowing with certainty of what is to come.  All of the miracles he performed, the people knew that he had the power to heal them, and because of this, Jesus was able to heal them.  He cannot heal or help someone that doesn’t want the help, or doesn’t know of his capable power to heal them.  We have the power by exercising faith, and Jesus delivers that power through his miracle.  If we had no faith Jesus could not perform his amazing miracles on us.  He still has the power to cast out demons and calm storms and move mountains.  But the healing miracles, those examples show how I can exercise faith when I am sick and I receive a blessing from a priesthood holder.  

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