Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mathew 13:24-48: The Lord Often Taught with Parables.

After reading the definition of parable in the Bible Dictionary, I came up with my own definition.  A parable is a form of teaching in which the truth is covered by a story.  The person that is seeking the truth will find the principles and meaning that the story is conveying.  To a person that does not want to seek or know the truth, a parable is just a story with no meaning or principles behind it.  The beauty of teaching with parables is that a person must be willing to seek new knowledge, or else it will just be a regular story. 

There is a parable that describes the growth of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and that is the parable of the mustard seed.  The Lord Jesus Christ compares the kingdom of heaven to a small seed of mustard.  A mustard seed is about 2mm in diameter, but that tiny seed can become a full grown tree that sprouts with many branches.  He continues saying the seed will grow to a tree where birds can come and lodge in the branches of it.   The true church was once again established here on earth by Joseph Smith with humble small beginnings.  Today the church has millions of members worldwide.  The church started as a mustard seed and today it is a tree full of branches. 

One reason the church is still growing today is because there are missionaries called to all parts of the world to share the gospel.  They are the birds that come and lodge in the tree.  Birds take seeds and spread them.  They plant a small seed of mustard in people’s hearts which could grow to a mature tree, with roots so deep nothing could tear it down.  Once the Holy Ghost confirms to them the gospel is real, they are able to share and preach the gospel either by serving a mission or by becoming living examples of the gospel. 

There are many members that are willing to give up world fame and recognition to maintain their membership in the church because they have a different perspective.  Members of the church have an eternal perspective while non members have a worldly perspective.  As members of the church, we know what our ultimate goal is in life.  This is a good comparison to the parable of the Pearl of Great Price.  Once you have that Pearl of Great Price, you will do anything to keep it, even if it means to give up certain things. 

There are many reasons members choose to leave the church.  From my personal experience, many members leave because they choose to become offended by something another member said.  Another big reason why members leave the church is because trials become harder to overcome and it is easier to walk away than to endure.  Those reasons remind me of the parable of the sower.  They are the seeds that do not grow roots.  Since they have no roots they are easier to fall.  At the end of every story from members that leave the church, it comes down to being a choice.  A person can choose to become offended, a person can choose to be defeated by a trial, and a person can choose to walk away from a problem.  Sometimes it is easier to walk away from something than to fix it.  It takes humility, perseverance, and endurance to stay in the church.  It is easier to become prideful.

I can’t see myself ever leaving the church, because I love the gospel.  I can’t see my life without the gospel.   The gospel is my Pearl of Great Price.  I am blessed to have it, and I won’t do anything that will make me loose that Pearl of Great Price.  I am willing to do whatever it takes for me to receive the blessings of the gospel.  The gospel brings a happiness and balance to my life that nothing else can.  I have been blessed with accepting family.  I haven’t had to make great sacrifices in order to enjoy the gospel.  I know what I am willing to do if it came down to choosing between the gospel and other things.  I know what I need in my life in order to be happy and have balance in this chaotic world.

I think the net in the parable of the net cast into the sea represents the gospel.  The kingdom of heaven here on earth is the blessings of the gospel (going to the temple, service to others, family).  When the parable talks about casting the net into the sea, I think of the gospel being spread all over the world.  The sea is the world, the sea has many different kinds of fish, and just like world has many different kinds of people.  I think being gathered unto the net represents the gospel getting to every single person in the entire planet and finding out who endured until the end and who didn’t.  That is represented by gathering the good and casting out the bad from the vessel.  There won’t be excuses when the gathering happens because the net will reach everyone.  It is not easy to endure until the end, but it is not impossible either.  With Heavenly Father on our side, we can overcome anything and reach our potential here on Earth and beyond Earth.  

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