Thursday, May 24, 2012

Matthew 18:1–14. “Become as Little Children”

I can’t help to think of my almost 3 month-old baby boy Liam when I read these scripture passages.  In the next few years he is going to grow older but before that, he will be innocent and clean of sin.  He will be submissive to my commands whenever I tell him to do something.  He will obey my voice, he will need me to guide him through the next years of his life because he can’t make it on his own.  He is my responsibility and as his mother I want him to reach his greatest potential here in life.  

So how are we like little children?  Well, just like my child, we have a loving Heavenly Father that loves us, and that will guide us through this journey here on Earth.   Heavenly Father wants the best for his children, and the best is the highest degree of glory in Heaven.  But we can’t make it there without his help and blessings.  Liam is growing up trusting me; he will know that I will guide him through his first few years of life.  He knows I won’t put him through any type of harm and that I won’t give him any tasks that he won’t be able to accomplish.  We are the same way with our Heavenly Father.  He is walking right besides us every step of the way and he will guide us back to Heaven if we don’t let go of his hand.  This is how we are like little children, because we depend on his blessings and other ordinances to accomplish things here on Earth.  

In Doctrine and Covenants Chapter 78:17-18 says that as little children, we can’t understand the great blessings that he has for us.  But if we let him guide us, he will help us understand and he will guide us in every step of the way.  Along those steps of the way we will receive many great blessings from him.  

Mosiah 3:19 lists the ways we are to become like little children.  It says we must become submissive, meek, humble, patient, and full of love.  When becoming submissive, it says that we should be “willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.”  I think that becoming like little children can sometimes be a challenge because there are other qualities that are opposite to the ones mentioned above that can take over and are much easier to acquire.  For example, it is easier to become offended, than to forgive; it is easier to become prideful than to become humble and submissive.  This is why looking at my baby boy reminds me of how once I was like him, innocent and totally submissive to my mother’s command.  I know that I can become like a little child again.  I know that the qualities mentioned in verse 19 will bring many blessings for me and my little family.  The opposite qualities will prevent us from growing spiritually and also from the blessing that Heavenly Father wants to give us.  Working on this qualities day by day will help me become closer to the way I need to be.    

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