Thursday, May 31, 2012

Luke 10:1-24. “The Lord Appointed other Seventy Also”

I have learned a lot about the apostles but I really never studied about the seventies; and this assignment gave me the chance to learn more about this office in the church.  Here are some thoughts from my study of the Seventies.

During his ministry on Earth, Jesus Christ appointed seventy men to go in pairs to certain regions around the area.  He gave them counsel and instructions on what to do.  He gave them authority to heal the sick, to bless each house they entered with peace, power over the enemy, and to preach the gospel.  He also told them not to get distracted on their tasks when he said “Salute no man by the way.”  He told them nothing would harm them under their ministry. 

Articles of Faith 1:6 says that “We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church.”  The church has currently eight quorums of the Seventy.  The first and second quorum act as general authorities which means they can serve anywhere around the world.  The remaining quorums act as area seventies where they exercise authority in the area they serve only.  The seventies are called, just as in mentioned in Luke 10, to serve in different areas to build the church, to serve others and bless those that receive them.  It is amazing to see how the church that Jesus Christ organized during his ministry on Earth is the same church I am a part of today.   

In other scriptures, the priesthood shows the existence of this office as members that are special witnesses of Jesus Christ, preach the gospel, aid in the growth of the church around the world, and devote their fulltime to their calling.  The Seventies are an essential part of the church; I know this because it was Jesus Christ who appointed them.      

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